mshkew 發表:
The item you ...
The item you have seen is called the symposa it does not act as a dump valve it’s job is a diaphram which transfers some
engine noise to the inside of the car.
Will, 你壞掉的零件叫做 "symposa", 他不是洩壓閥, 這個膜狀的東西, 他的作用是用來把引擎室的些許聲音傳到駕駛座
讓你能有點熱血的 feel 用的~
The actual dump valve is built in to the turbo and you can replace this with the forge one with yellow spring, although
the standard one is ok.
ST 的洩壓閥內建在渦輪上面, 這個洩壓閥如果壞了, 你可以更換 Forge 的 (黃彈簧版本), 或是用原廠的也 OK 啦.
If you don’t want to buy a replacement part for the one you have which is split just close if off, it will make no difference.
至於你壞掉的 "symposa", 如果你不想花錢更換新零件的話, 你也可以直接把他閹掉 (原管路要密封), 不會有什麼影響...