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發表於 2007-5-9 01:02 AM 
Okay, i need someone to translate this for me please.

Bluefin: GGR300 bluefin is written for the GGR300 kit which consist of Intercooler, induction, downpipe, Sport cat, full exhaust from GGR England.  GGR300 bluefin is a great chip and perform exactly  like a stock car from 1000~3000RPM and turbo kicks in full boost at 3000RPM and power stays all the way up to 6300~6500RPM (power just keeps coming). It is ideal for everyday driving and weekend track racing. It doesnt come with multiple modes to choose from and GGR try to satisfy everyone's different styles of driving in a single chip. In essence, they done an amazing job!

DS: More less "show you all i got" driving experience. It comes with four different modes that suits your personal need. Massive Torque at lower RPM which is very different design goal than the GGR300 chip. Power delivery is very smooth throughout the RPM range. It is very nice so far. To be honest, i was little surprise how powerful this chip was even though i knew what I was expecting.

So there you have it. Take your pick because you will not go wrong with either.

Happy driving~


   seth7 (老牛+牛伯)

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發表於 2007-5-9 01:08 AM 
OK but feel sleepy now, do it tomorrow!

嘻皮萬歲! 米露跟草萬萬歲!! 
   seth7 (老牛+牛伯)

文章 1741
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發表於 2007-5-9 01:07 PM 

Bluefin: GGR300 Bluefin是專為GGR300套件打造的程式,這個套件包含中冷、進氣、全套排氣,都是來自英國GGR;GGR300 Bluefin是個很棒的晶片,1000~3000轉感覺像原廠車,3000轉開始渦輪全力作動,力道執續至6300~6500轉(力道仍然不絕),可以說平日順順開、週末直線狂飆! 雖然沒有四個模式而是一個模式到底,一樣滿足不同需求的人,總之,這點GGR是令人贊嘆!

DS: 駕馭起來有點像是"把我有的都秀給你"的那樣臭屁,四個模式提供給不同需求的人,從低轉速起就釋出大量扭力,這跟GGR300的設定非常不同,說真的,雖然我已預知它的力道,但那力道還是令我驚奇!

以上是我兩種使用後的感想,做個選擇吧! GGR300或DS任何一個都不會錯的!



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