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[哈拉打屁區] Because You Loved Me
   mayda (妹達)

文章 1281
用戶失蹤天數 3567
點數 0   戰績 0   改裝 0   故障 0
新北市 中和區 
發表於 2013-9-24 04:48 PM 

**Because You Loved Me

For all those times you stood by me

For all the truth that you made me see

For all the joy you brought to my life

For all the wrong that you made right

For every dream you made come true

For all the love I found in you

I'll be forever thankful baby

You're the one who held me up

Never let me fall

You're the one who saw me through through it all

You were my strength when I was weak

You were my voice when I couldn't speak

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

You saw the best there was in me

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

You gave me faith 'coz you believed

I'm everything I am

Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly

You touched my hand I could touch the sky

I lost my faith, you gave it back to me

You said no star was out of reach

You stood by me and I stood tall

I had your love I had it all

I'm grateful for each day you gave me

Maybe I don't know that much

But I know this much is true

I was blessed because I was loved by you

You were my strength when I was weak

You were my voice when I couldn't speak

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

You saw the best there was in me

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

You gave me faith 'coz you believed

I'm everything I am

Because you loved me

You were always there for me

The tender wind that carried me

A light in the dark shining your love into my life

You've been my inspiration

Through the lies you were the truth

My world is a better place because of you

You were my strength when I was weak

You were my voice when I couldn't speak

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

You saw the best there was in me

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

You gave me faith 'coz you believed

I'm everything I am

Because you loved me

   aerosmith001 (Joker)

文章 7
用戶失蹤天數 3676
點數 0   戰績 0   改裝 0   故障 0
臺北市 中山區 來自 北市
發表於 2013-9-24 08:18 PM 




   mayda (妹達)

文章 1281
用戶失蹤天數 3567
點數 0   戰績 0   改裝 0   故障 0
新北市 中和區 
發表於 2013-9-25 10:02 AM 
老大  大四  要畢業啦!!


文章 186
用戶失蹤天數 2997
點數 0   戰績 0   改裝 0   故障 0
新北市 淡水區 來自 新台北淡水區
發表於 2013-9-25 10:28 AM 

黑面 熊空林道,水車寮林道,大楠林道,清水地熱,羅山林道,武荖坑林道,寒溪部落,霞喀羅古道,水田支線,白米林道,萬榮林道 

文章 60
用戶失蹤天數 2141
點數 0   戰績 0   改裝 0   故障 0
臺南市 六甲區 
發表於 2013-9-26 10:41 AM 


   kao123477 (ds_和)

文章 394
用戶失蹤天數 1474
點數 4   戰績 4   改裝 0   故障 0
高雄市 前鎮區 
發表於 2013-9-26 07:57 PM 
mayda 發表:
老大  大四  要畢業 ...



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